Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Scam of evil government to incite race divide on YouTUBE

It has come to my attention that YouTUBE used to erase racist Videos from whites and blacks off of their site.Their goal is to divide this country racially so we will not stand together(white,blacks,legal immigrants).They want racial tension to keep us from standing together as a human race so we will not vote for the best candidate or to attempt to manipulate us into voting for their candidate.It is still my firsm foundation to vote for Ron Paul because he represents all races and freedom for all of us from such a lying,evil government.Please do not get mad at the small amount of each racial videos on you tube.They want us to get mad and the races to fight.We can't let these evil people win.I have black and white friends.I will befirend anyone who is civil.

The same people that promote and finance these corrupt politicians are the same ones who most likely own alot of racist sites and run sites that allow racist videos and material.It is a scam.Don't fall for it.We need to stand together no matter what race we are and vote for the politician which loves all races and that is Ron Paul.

May God be with us all.


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